
4 Articles

State Management in React

The guide to why you should manage your state within react

Properly managing state within a react application can greatly improve the developer experience and accessibility to information needed by specific components. In this article we'll explore why and how to properly manage state within a react application.

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React Router V6

The guide to routing within react, not using a framework

You may be familiar with websites having multiple pages which are interconnected and allows users to navigate to different areas of your website. Naturally, when we want to add a new page to our website, we can just create a new HTML file and link it to other pages using the anchor tag ( `<a></a>`). Additionally, other pages can then link page to this newly created page with the same anchor tag. This doesn't quite work the same when we are using something like react as react results in a single page application (SPA) -- an application that only has one HTML file. So the question then becomes how do we simulate a multiple-page experience within a SPA?

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How can we create a real-time search filter on the client side?

The javascript Filter Method

We're going to be using some javascript to simulate a real-time search feature in an application. The filter method which can be used on any iterable provides us a way create the search feature. Today, we are going to be exploring the javascript filter method and its use cases.

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LetsCreate: React Counter Component

The first step to understanding state in react

When I started with React, the first thing I thought was ughh yet another framework to learn but honestly after using it for the past couple of years, React has really grown on me. It fun to work with but there is always that question someone has when getting started -- Where do I even begin? This article will be exploring the basics of react, react hooks, and we will walk through how to create your first react application.

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